Stan Hudson is well known for his seminars on creation and evolution. He is sure to make you laugh and smile as he shares some interesting facts, and myths about evolution, creation and the word of God. | Born and raised in Los Angeles, Stan Hudson was captured by Hollywood's positive images of science. Having been introduced to rockhounding as a youth, he enrolled as a geology major at the University of California at Riverside. After experiencing some disappointments and challenges to his worldview, he became a Christian and enrolled at Loma Linda University as a theology major, completing a bachelors degree there. He went on to earn a master of divinity degree from Andrews Theological Seminary and a doctor of ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. However, he's never lost his love for earth sciences and issues related to origins. He is co-host of nationally-syndicated LifeTalk Radio's "Sink the Beagle," a lighthearted look at the subject of creationism and evolutionism. He also currently pastors in the university towns of Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, Washington. He pastored the Nampa Adventist Church from 1992-2000. He is married to Cynthia, a registered dietician, and they have two children: Dan (a mass communications college graduate) and Sarah (a college English major).