Welcome to a very special end time summit weekend open to everyone. The subject is "family life in the end times". The three featured speakers will be: Steve Wohlberg (White Horse Ministries), David Guerrero (Rekindle the Flame Ministries) and Ryan McCoy (Sealing Time Ministries). We'll be talking about the Commandments of God, the Faith of Jesus, the Decline of the Family, and the Holy Spirit and the Family. Pastor David Guerrero is a husband, father, Pastor, Certified Christian Counselor, Life, Marriage and Wellness Coach, Life and Marriage Coach Trainer and Chaplain whose passion is to see others experience a rewarding family life. David has effectively served a diversity of people groups in the United States. David is a well sought after seminar presenter being invited to camp meetings and family life retreats to speak on the topic of family life and the marriage relationship. David is a freelance writer, regularly writing articles in the Wisconsin Christian News, and Ministry Magazine on the topic of family life as well as personal and organizational revival. He is also the author of the book, Fatherhood: Reclaiming Your God-given Role. David and his wife Jacquelyn have four children (Joshua, Hannah, Joel, and Micah). The Guerreros currently reside in beautiful central Wisconsin. David and Jacquelyn are co-founders of Rekindle the Flame Ministries (R.T.F.M.), a Christ-centered ministry that seeks to help others find peace and positive growth in the relationships of life.
| Steve Wohlberg grew up in a Jewish home in the Hollywood Hills of Southern California. At age 20, he discovered Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Savior. A gifted writer and speaker, Steve Wohlberg has for many years conducted Bible prophecy seminars in Russia, Canada, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and in cities across America. He is now the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media and the host of His Voice Today radio and television broadcasts. Pastor Wohlberg is the author of over 30 books, has been a guest on over 500 radio and TV shows, has appeared in History Channel and National Geographic International documentaries, and has spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. He currently lives in Priest River, Idaho, with his wife Kristin, and their two children, Seth Michael and Abigail Rose.
RYAN McCOY is a Seventh-day Adventist lay evangelist as well as an author, speaker, director, producer and founder of Sealing Time Ministries. Ryan is passionate about finding Jesus throughout the wonderful details of Earth's last day events and has a gift for sharing these in a way that anyone can understand but also with a depth that even the most studied can appreciate. Ryan has authored (or is currently authoring) over 22 books and video series on the subject of final events with topics including, the Spirit of Prophecy, Signs of Christ's Return, the Seal of God, Mark of the Beast, the Sealing Time, the 144,000, Sunday Laws, Disasters and National Ruin, Country Living, the Shaking, the Latter Rain, Persecution, Satan's Appearance as Christ, the Seven Last Plagues, the Close of Probation, Second Coming, Heaven and the Millennium, the Lake of Fire, and the New Earth. He also has a number of other presentations on the topics of efficiency and alternative energy, a personal testimony, vinegar (health), theater and drama and a special inspirational talk on David Crockett and the Alamo, the Sabbath, and Adventist History (Standing firm for what you believe in the last days.). Ryan has also been a featured speaker at a number of churches and camp meetings.
Ryan also has the distinction of being the fifth great-grandson of Congressman David “Davy” Stern Crockett. David Crockett died defending the Alamo in 1836 in what later became the State of Texas. Because of his family history, Ryan uniquely understands what it means to draw a line in the sand and take a decided stand for what is right, no matter what the cost. Ryan has been a featured special guest at the Alamo for official ceremonies. He was also an honored guest at the 180th Anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo. Ryan has also been featured on 3ABN, Adventist World , Adventist Review , Adventist News Network (ANN) and many more. He has also been interviewed by Smithsonian Magazine and had photos taken by the History Channel. Resources by Ryan McCoy Schedule a Presentation Contact Sealing Time Ministries Ryan McCoy on Facebook |