In Lost Cities of the Dead - A tour-de-force through Egypt's Valley of the Kings, the pyramids, and the mysteries of the mummies, including the thrilling discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Other Egyptian mysteries are revealed, such as the secrets of the Rosetta Stone, the Karnak Reliefs, and the amazing story of Hatshepsut, the adoptive mother of Moses. We will see how Bible stories relate to the archaeological data. Dead Men Do Tell Tales - An intriguing survey of Iraq’s ancient city of Babylon, its power, and influence at the time. We will see what archaeology has unearthed in the last 150 years, and how such discoveries have fulfilled 2,500 year-old prophecies from the books of Daniel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. Fantastic Finds In Ancient Lands - A fascinating journey through the ancient Bible sites of Tyre, Hazor, Jericho, and the Dead Sea. We will learn of the greatest archaeological discovery affecting the Bible to date, and how it has revolutionized the world of biblical archaeology. In the Footsteps of Jesus - We will follow Jesus Christ’s footsteps and visit the great city of Jerusalem, His boyhood town of Nazareth, and the site of His ministry turning point, Caesarea Philippi. We’ll review the fascinating story of Masada, in the Dead Sea. We will answer claims made by The Da Vinci Code and other writings, such as the recently uncovered Gospel of Judas, while reviewing the validity of the Bible claims about Christ’s death and resurrection. The Seven Churches of the Book of Revelation - Our last journey together will be to the Isle of Patmos, where the Apostle John received direct messages from God to the seven churches of Revelation. Each city and church will be examined, seeking to understand each of God’s messages and their application to 21st century Americans today. | Ron E. M. Clouzet, D.Min., Th.D. (ABD), is founder of H.O.P.E. University and a professor of Christian ministry and theology at Andrews University, in Michigan. He has lectured extensively, in 50 countries in five continents, including the Bible lands of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey. His international experience and dynamic, multimedia presentations make the Bible come alive, answering many relevant historical and prophetic questions. You'll never read the Bible the same way again!
Michael G. Hasel, Ph.D., is curator of the Lynn Wood Museum of Archaeology, director of the Institute of Archaeology and professor of Archaeology and Near Eastern Studies at Southern Adventist University, in Tennessee. He has participated in many archaeological excavations and study tours in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Cyprus, and Turkey. His lectures, professional expertise, and fascinating experiences will prove very enlightening to those interested in the topic of how Bible history interfaces with the latest archaeological discoveries.