A deeper look into the parables of Jesus. Jesus' love and grace is scandalous. That He would die for our sins, is incomprehensible. Take a look at some of the stories of Jesus' encounters with others in the Bible, and how they relate to our lives today. Get to know Him a little deeper through the eyes of the Good
Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the Man Born Blind, and the Paralytic. Feel how deep His love flows for His children, including you! | Mike Tucker is the Speaker/Director for Faith For Today Television, the oldest religious television broadcast in the world. Mike has devoted his life to ministry and has a career marked by service to God and his community. He served for 17 years as Senior Pastor of the 2000-member Seventh-day Adventist Church in Arlington, Texas. He has additional experience as a Counselor, Christian High School Bible Teacher, Youth Pastor, and Senior Chaplain for medical and psychiatric facilities. Mike holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has served as a “Pastor’s Pastor” for ministers in his denomination. He has authored several books, including Journal of a Lonely God; Jesus, He’s All You’ll Ever Need; Meeting Jesus in the Book of Revelation; Every Good Thing; Ten Keys to a Happy Marriage, and many more. Mike hosts the award-winning Lifestyle Magazine, as well as Mad About Marriage television shows and seminars.