A general consensus exists that the Decalogue has exerted more influence on ethics and law than any other part of Scripture, or any document outside of Scripture. In Roman Catholic moral theology, in Protestant ethics, and in Wester law the Ten Commandments have been foundational for millennia. Legal codes of the Middle Ages were often prefaced with the Ten Commandments. Many commentaries have been written on the Decalogue by both Christian and Jewish authors. From the very beginning, human beings had the power of choice. They were free to make genuine decisions. The divine command to themwas to assist them in making the right choice, but the choice was theirs. | Daughter of missionary parents, Dr. Jo Ann Davidson is also a fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist. She recalls her mother saying to her, "the blessings of being a Seventh-day Adventist have surely seeped into your genes and chromosomes by now!" Formerly a home schooling mom and music instructor, Jo Ann now teaches in the Andrews University Theological Seminary–the first woman to teach in the Theology department.
She earned her Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL) in 2000. Articles she has written have appeared in the Adventist Review, Signs of the Times, Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, and Andrews University Seminary Studies, along with a column, "Let's Face It," in the journal Perspective Digest. She has also authored the books Jonah: The Inside Story (Review and Herald), Toward a Theology of Beauty: A Biblical Perspective (University Press of America), and Glimpses of Our God (Pacific Press). Jo Ann finds great fulfillment in her many roles as wife, mother, daughter, sister, auntie, teacher, musician, student and Seventh-day Adventist Christian. |