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     "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads."  -Revelation 7:2-3

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Creating a Disciple-Making Church - Russell Burrill (CD)

Creating a Disciple-Making Church - Russell Burrill (CD)
Brand: Sealing Time Ministries
Product Code: SKU-333
Availability: In Stock
Price: $35.00
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Creating a Disciple-Making Church
Dr. Russell Burrill

     In this five part series Dr. Burrill explains through facts, observations and the words of our own pioneers why our churches are languishing today and what can be done to make positive changes.  This series helps define the proper role of a pastor, elder and what the lay people can do to help.  After the program, participants are encouraged to sit down with their respective churches and discuss what changes could be made.  These programs were sponsored by the Idaho Conference and nearly every church in the Idaho Conference was represented and participated.  We are excited to see any Conference encourage this type of work among the lay people and especially our home conference! 
     Many churches in the Northwest have ordered this program on DVD and have watched it for either main services, or prayer meetings, etc.  If you want to see your church grow and would like some positive tools for change, we would highly recommend that you consider getting at least one copy of this program to share with your church or pastor, or others for other active lay people.  (Total time for all 5 programs is 6 hours 15 minutes.  Avg. is 1h 30m.)  Consider giving your church a gift, the gift of revival!  Imagine what would happen if every church did this!

Russell Burrill
Andrews University

   Dr. Russell Burrill is Professor Emeritus of Andrews University Seminary, and retired director of the North American Division Institute of Evangelism. He is the author of Revolution in the Church, Radical Disciples for Revolutionary Churches, and The Revolutionized Church of the 21st Century. His most recent book is How to Grow An Adventist Church.


  1. The Challenge of the Harvest (71:41)
  2. What is a Disciple? (82:30)
  3. The Passion of God (50:27)
  4. Recreating the Discipleship (part 1) (80:05)
  5. Recreating the Discipleship (part 2) (84:16)

Approximate Running Time
1.5 hour (average) each (5 parts)
These presentations come on 5 CD's


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