Keeping God Real - John Bradshaw

Keeping God Real

by John Bradshaw

How do you keep God real in your life? Join John Bradshaw as he shares practical ways to keep God real. This series will encourage you, challenge you, and give you tools to implement in your life. Prepare for the Lord's second coming, and keep the relationship strong as you commit to making God real today.

John Bradshaw currently serves as speaker/director of the international television ministry It Is Written. Bradshaw's broadcasting career began in his home country of New Zealand. He then worked for 12 years as an evangelist for Amazing Facts, later serving as pastor at a church in Lexington, Kentucky, followed by the Village Church in Washington. He and his wife Melissa have a son and a daughter. Bradshaw has held more than 80 evangelistic series. For him, nothing matches the joy of introducing others to Christ. Following the "Babylon Rising" series, Bradshaw presented a month-long series called "Revelation Today." Ongoing projects include the ministry's "Godpod" outreach to Papua New Guinea, the "My Place With Jesus" Bible study website for kids, Spanish outreach through Escrito Está, the weekly telecast, and more.

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Available Titles
1 - Look and Live - John Bradshaw.mp3
2 - Yield - John Bradshaw.mp3
3 - The Second Coming of Jesus - John Bradshaw.mp3
4 - Who is Fighting Your Battles - John Bradshaw.mp3
5 - Committed - John Bradshaw.mp3
6 - Occupy - John Bradshaw.mp3